

What are Categories?

Categories are user-defined groups that help you classify and organize your research items. Think of them as virtual folders or collections that can contain any number of research items.

Key features of Categories:

  1. Custom names: Give each category a descriptive name that reflects its contents or purpose.

  2. Color coding: Assign colors to categories for quick visual identification.

  3. Item grouping: Categories act as containers for related items, helping you keep your research organized.

  4. Flexible organization: Easily move items between categories as your research evolves.

Default Category: Uncategorized

The Research app includes a default "Uncategorized" category. This serves as a catch-all for items that haven't been assigned to a specific category, ensuring that no item is left without a home in your library.

Using Categories effectively

  • Create categories that reflect your research interests, projects, or methodologies.
  • Use color coding to visually distinguish between different types of categories.
  • Regularly review and refine your category structure as your research evolves.
  • Utilize the "Uncategorized" category as a staging area for new items before assigning them to specific categories.

Interacting with Categories

You can create, edit, and delete categories through the app's interface. Items can be easily moved between categories, allowing you to refine your organization as your research progresses.

Remember, effective use of categories can significantly enhance your ability to navigate and utilize your research library, saving time and improving your workflow.