Making annotations

Highlight and Explain with AI

Enhance your understanding with smart annotations. Here's how you can use highlighting and AI explanations to deepen your comprehension.

Accessing annotations

To begin working with annotations, open the annotations tab within the notes window of the item you want to annotate.

Highlighting text

Highlighting important passages is straightforward:

  1. Select the text you want to highlight.
  2. Choose your preferred highlight color or style.
  3. The highlighted text is automatically saved as an annotation.

These highlights serve as quick reference points and can be used to interact with the AI assistant.

Highlighting areas

For PDFs, you can highlight entire sections or graphics:

  1. Hold down the Option key (Mac) or Alt key (Windows/Linux).
  2. Click and drag over the area you want to highlight.
  3. Release to create an area highlight.
  4. Save the highlighted area as an annotation.

This feature is particularly useful for diagrams, charts, or multi-column layouts. The AI can analyze and discuss the contents of these highlighted areas, including images.

Discussing with AI

Engage with the AI to gain deeper insights:

  1. Locate the comments section under each annotation.
  2. Type your question or note about the highlighted content.
  3. If you're asking the AI, frame your question clearly.
  4. The AI will respond, taking into account the context of your highlight, including text and images.

Use this feature to:

  • Clarify complex concepts
  • Get additional background information
  • Analyze graphs or charts
  • Explore different interpretations of the text

By combining highlights with AI-powered discussions, you can create a dynamic and interactive research experience, tailored to your specific needs and questions.